
SPRING 2018 - Reflection


Podcast is a recording regarding the issues or topics and then puts them on the computer network so that large number of person can download and listen to them on their mp3 player or computer etc. (Meaning of Podcast, 2016). It is an episodic series of particular video file and digital audio which a customer can download through internet for enjoying and subscribe it for electronic download of other episodes (Busch, 2012). The present reports is a reflective which is show the self point of view about such topic. The present assignment is based on Podcast and different issues which are related to this. In this an enterprise apply an effective theory. Group management also covered in this assignment.

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Podcast is one of the main and essential tool for me in order to increase my basic knowledge and skill on particular matter. With the help of this techniques I easily provide necessary information and data in marketplace. These information is mainly related with business products, services, concepts and methodologies. So it is beneficial for me to attract large number of audience in an effective and sufficient manner. Podcast is beneficial tool for me because with the use of this I gain lot of knowledge and skills which support me to deal with difficult situation. It is also important for me to attract million number of clients towards business digitalisation. This tool enhance my motivation and performance level which is essential to accomplish my personal and professional goals in limited time duration. To achieve maximum number of benefits and advantages, Podcast play vital and critical role that assist me to obtain some knowledge about digital technology. By applying this I save my money and time and easily work with full dedication (Chen, Lin and Sawangpattanakul, 2011). But there are some issues which are arise in applying podcast such as National culture, Leadership, Organisational culture, Ethics and Corporate social responsibility. But one of the main issues which are face by me is leadership. It is main problem which reduce my motivation and team management skills. In order to overcome this I am capable to apply different theories in a systematic manner. In this I prefer only contingency theory because with the use of this I easily manage all functions and activities. So that I able to handle entire work effectively which support me to increase my professional and personal goals in a systematic manner. So that all issues are reduce I am able to increase my performance base in a certain time duration. Along with them, in order to aware large number of the person about the digitalisation in conduct research and development programs which support me to easily identify basic needs and wants of the customers. Podcast assist me to easily render entire information to the different number of groups in an effective manner. So that I am able to maximise productivity and profitability of the enterprise in given time period. Podcast also help me to increase my presentation, management and leadership skills (Chen, Cheung and Law, 2012). All these are basic part of my life which is apply in my daily routine. In order to gain some knowledge and skills I can attend different training and seminars secession. Thus after that I have more knowledge and experience to gain maximum number of advantages without any difficulties.

Podcast is also essential and beneficial for me to increase my performance and motivation level in a limited time duration. It assist me in dealing with difficult situation as well as maximise my professional and personal goals and objectives. With the use of this techniques I am capable to accomplish my predetermined and desire targets easily. With the use of this tool I allot different activities and work to the various groups. So in this role and responsibility of my is to provide motivation and leadership theories to the entire workforce (Chhokar, Brodbeck and House, 2013). Thus, they are motivate and tries to accomplish all work and activities in given time duration. An effective team working assist me and my team members to enhance and improve performance and productivity of enterprise. In preparing an effective assignment I use Podcast because it assist in giving entire information and data to the large number of person at the equal time. So it can reduce conflict and misinterpretation which benefits me to reduce employees turnover. In order to manage all work in systematic manner I will provide some learning and training programs to the staff members so that they learn all things and concepts with full dedications. In during this, I have been observe some issues, Drawbacks and problems related to making strong and long-lasting relationship with employees (Tindall, 2012). There are different issues which are face by me in making an effective team such as conflict, misunderstanding and so on. All these are highly influence on my performance and productivity level.

In preparing an effective project I used different tools and techniques, in this I mainly focuses on applying Podcast which assist in the higher growth and success of me (Dooly, 2017). It is also beneficial and useful for me to increase my personal and professional skills in certain time duration. It is one of the main part of my life in accomplishment of long term and predetermined goals. Thus podcast is essential for me to maximise my knowledge and experience criteria about digitalisation. It is main and foremost tool which support to attract large number of customers towards new products, methodologies, concepts and many other details. I used this techniques while preparing an effective and better project because this tool assist in rendering whole information and data about the materials, resources and many other equipments. Thus it will prepared I have some roles and responsibility to provide proper training and development programme to my junior staff members (Forbes, 2015). This training mainly based on digitalisation which support entire workforce to work with full dedication and efforts. So that entire work are completed easily I am capable to accomplish my predetermined goals and targets in allotted time duration. I faced different issues while using Podcast such as lack of knowledge, experience, skills and many other. So in order to overcome all this problems I attend some training and learning secession where I easily learn more things about digital concepts. Further I learned more knowledge I will tries to make project effectively and easily. In order to overcome such kind of problem I will apply different theories and models, one is motivation theory which is useful and beneficial for me in providing motivation and direction to staff members about achievement of long term goals and objectives.

Therefore, above discussed issues and its solutions by applying contingency and motivation theory. All these are highly essential for me to maximise my performance and effectiveness in a given time duration. Further I am interested to gain more knowledge so that I will attend conferences, seminars, training and development programmes which support me to increase basic skill (French, 2015). It is also beneficial to deal with conflict and misunderstanding which arise in developing an effective team working and group. It is my role to apply different theories and models because without them I'm not able to encourage staff members. By applying this, I am increase my effectiveness and productivity. There are certain methods for applying to preparing script for podcast report, I will used two methods such training approach and many other. It support in achievement of predetermined and desire targets in certain time duration. So Podcast is very essential and useful tool for me to maximise my skill and knowledge base on particular matter (Pérez, 2012). Further, it also assist me to gain maximum amount of the profit and achieve predetermined goals in limited time period.

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From the above mentioned report, it can be concluded that Podcast is one of the important and beneficial tool for the individual and organisation to increase basic knowledge and skills on particular matter. This techniques support me to attract large number of the employees while preparing an effective projects. In this I will provide different training and learning to the entire workforce about digitalisation. This support in the accomplishment of long term goals and objectives in given time duration. With the use of such tools and techniques I easily render all information and data to the enterprise and staff members.

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  • Busch, D., 2012. Cultural theory and conflict management in organizations: How does theory shape our understanding of culture in practice?. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management. 12(1). pp. 9-24.
  • Chen, A. S. Y., Lin, Y. C. and Sawangpattanakul, A., 2011. The relationship between cultural intelligence and performance with the mediating effect of culture shock: A case from Philippine laborers in Taiwan. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 35(2). pp. 246-258.
  • Chen, R. X., Cheung, C. and Law, R., 2012. A review of the literature on culture in hotel management research: what is the future?. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 31(1). pp. 52-65.
  • Chhokar, J. S., Brodbeck, F. C. and House, R. J. eds., 2013. Culture and leadership across the world: The GLOBE book of in-depth studies of 25 societies. Routledge.
  • Dooly, M., 2017. A Mediated Discourse Analysis (MDA) Approach to Multimodal Data. Research-publishing. Net.
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